Using sound siphon with obs
Using sound siphon with obs

using sound siphon with obs

I'm looking forward to trying more streamed performance in the future. But far from being a huge technical headache, all of the streaming tools we used were surprisingly easy to use. I'm amazed it was able to work at all, let alone as well as it did. On my machine I was simultaneously generating live visuals with Jitter, performing GPU accelerated face tracking, streaming video from Twitch, streaming video to Twitch, and recording video to disk. Luckily Syphon Recorder can record audio as well, which helped Alex edit the video properly. After we finished, we edited Alex's local audio together with my local video, and sent the result off to Ned. Since Ned was asking for prerecorded video, I also used Syphon Recorder to record video locally (Rob describes using OBS for this, which would have been pretty much the same result). Then, so Alex could get a sense of what I was doing (albeit with some latency), I used exactly the technique that Rob describes: Max to Syphon to OBS to Twitch.

using sound siphon with obs

Once I had the sound in Max, I did some audio analysis to drive a couple of envelope followers, adding some audio reactivity to my Jitter patch. If you don't want to buy Loopback, you could just as easily use Soundflower or BlackHole. I kept that stream tab open in my browser, and fed the sound into Max using Loopback.

using sound siphon with obs

First, Alex streamed his musical improvisation to me over Twitch. Our solution might sound a bit convoluted, but I was very pleasantly surprised by how well it turned out. I wanted to perform something with my friend Alex, but of course the challenge was that we couldn't jam together in person.

Using sound siphon with obs