fanatic of the ancients? This is the Nether, the equivalent of heck, after all. I consider the bastion remnants to be a place where some experiments on preserving life were being conducted (maybe by the more.

the Desert Temples and the Underwater Monuments) were most likely places where the ancients either practiced religion or didn't want destroyed. This, combined with the advancement name, the more recent parts of the civilization theory with MatPat theorizing that most (if not all) generated structures in the world were abandoned as soon as the ancient people escaped to The End to not die to the threat that almost ended them, and the fact that some of those structures (i.e. On this page, the bastions remnants are described to be "large, castle-like generated structures found in the Nether". Admittedly, I don't have any official Minecraft books like the Mobestiary to double-check my facts, so I'm only going based off of this link. The part I wanted to add was about bastion remnants. Now, I don't disagree with this theory at all, in fact, I outright wanted to add to that theory. This kind of reminded me of when I was going through all of Game Theory Minecraft videos, MatPat almost always mentions his overarching theory of there having been an ancient civilization that, in their hubris, were trying to find a way to preserve life but were chased to an inescapable prison by one of their experiments that finally proved their undoing. As soon as I walked over the threshold for the thing, I was given the advancement "Those Were The Days". So, while playing through Minecraft after five years or so away from the game, I stumbled across a bastion remnant in the Nether. These are some more rare items in Minecraft.This is my first theory ever and first time posting on any subreddit, so please give me criticism on where I can improve! (And I was up for around ~40(?) hours at the time of posting this, so I didn't really have the brain capacity to check to see if anyone else had the same idea before me in the subreddit or to go back and check my post before I passed out so, please, take all of this with a grain of salt). The growing list of rare items is still continuing. One thing that stays true for all of these updates though is the excessive amount of items that is just hard to come by.
#Bastion remnants minecraft update#
And with the 1.20 update coming sometime in 2023 that will bring new items and biomes such as the Cherry Blossom Biome, fans are even more excited to see what's in store next.

The most recent update, 1.19, brought fans new areas such as the Deep Dark, and new mobs like the Warden that terrified players, and new items. Updated on Maby Nikole Stewart: Even after twelve years, Minecraft has had several updates. Those seeking to mine every kind of block and craft everything possible should be sure to keep an eye out for a few select items that will grant the player insane potential or lead to a recipe that will. Related: Minecraft: Things To Do If You're Bored Rare items have a cyan coloration while the most elusive Epic items have a purple hue. Common items are white, while Uncommon ones are yellow. Item rarity is a mechanic in Minecraft that colors items with different hues when they are in the hotbar, which represents how useful or powerful they are, as well as how easy they are to obtain.